We want you to join us in Israel!

We want to invite you to join us on a once in a lifetime journey to Israel! This trip is like nothing else you will ever experience! As we sought the Lord about the focus for this upcoming trip, a resounding ringing of “Watchmen Awake” went off in our Spirit. God is calling us to focus strategically this coming year on the call of a watchman (men and women). We will be visiting key biblical sites that have been hand-picked to strategically engage our call to prayer throughout the Land.

The core of our mandate for these encounter tours in Israel is to incorporate both biblical and historic knowledge as well as Spirit-led teaching and impartation throughout our entire time. This is not just a “tour”. We pray through every aspect and allow the Holy Spirit to weave a spiritual roadmap for each journey to the Holy Land. You will receive teaching from us and other key guests that are in line with our mandate for this trip. You will also receive teaching on the Watchmen Anointing and partake in a special “Watchmen” impartation service at the culmination of our trip. Receive the call to rise up like never before as a Watchmen in this hour and join us in the Land of Israel this Feb/March!


Benjamin and Tarrah Deitrick, Founders, Ignite Ministries International

Deadline for June is November 15th, 2023.

Register today!

Don’t miss your chance to reserve your spot on this special hand crafted trip to Israel. Click the link below for more information.

Ignite Israel

Israel Trip Testimonies

Read below some of the ways God has used our trips to Israel to change lives and impact people for the future. It is our heart that when you go to Israel, you will come back CHANGED!
